Install Nodes
Install Debian Bookworm on 3 hosts
node1.local | | |
node2.local | | |
node3.local | | |
Repeat the procedure for each node
apt install avahi-daemon
vi /etc/network/interfaces
iface enp9s0f0 inet static
allow-hotplug enp9s0f1
iface enp9s0f1 inet manual
allow-hotplug enp7s0
iface enp7s0 inet manual
allow-hotplug enp8s0
iface enp8s0 inet manual
apt install qemu-system libvirt-daemon-system
vi /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
security_driver = "none"
mkdir -p /home/admin
useradd -d /home/admin -s /bin/bash admin ; echo 'admin:your password' | chpasswd
chown admin:admin /home/admin
adduser admin sudo
adduser admin libvirt
adduser admin libvirt-qemu
passwd admin
Firmware & Tools
apt install firmware-realtek
apt install firmware-linux
apt install iotop htop
apt install prometheus-node-exporter
systemctl enable prometheus-node-exporter
apt install prometheus-libvirt-exporter
apt install xfsprogs
Disk Encryption
apt install clevis clevis-luks clevis-systemd
systemctl enable clevis-luks-askpass.path
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/nvme1n1
Use a different passphrase than the definitive one
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme1n1 nvme1n1_crypt
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/nvme1n1_crypt bs=128M status=progress
cryptsetup luksClose nvme1n1_crypt
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/nvme1n1 bs=512 count=20480 status=progress
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/nvme1n1
Use the definitive passphrase
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme1n1 nvme1n1_crypt
vgcreate gv0_brick1 /dev/mapper/nvme1n1_crypt
lvcreate --thinpool gv0_brick1/brick1_pool --size 1.78T --chunksize 256K --poolmetadatasize 16G --zero n
lvcreate --thin --name brick1 --virtualsize 1.78T gv0_brick1/brick1_pool
mkfs.xfs -i size=512 -n size=8192 /dev/mapper/gv0_brick1-brick1
mkdir -p /data/glusterfs/gv0/brick1
echo "nvme1n1_crypt /dev/nvme1n1 none luks,discard" >> /etc/crypttab
echo "/dev/mapper/gv0_brick1-brick1 /data/glusterfs/gv0/brick1 xfs _netdev,inode64,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Install tang to provide automatically at boot level the passphrase to luks.
clevis luks bind -d /dev/nvme1n1 tang '{"url":""}'
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda
Use a different passphrase than the definitive one
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda sda_crypt
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/sda_crypt bs=128M status=progress
cryptsetup luksClose sda_crypt
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=20480 status=progress
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda
Use the definitive passphrase
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda sda_crypt
vgcreate gv1_brick1 /dev/mapper/sda_crypt
lvcreate --thinpool gv1_brick1/brick1_pool --size 3.60T --chunksize 256K --poolmetadatasize 16G --zero n
lvcreate --thin --name brick1 --virtualsize 3.60T gv1_brick1/brick1_pool
mkfs.xfs -i size=512 -n size=8192 /dev/mapper/gv1_brick1-brick1
mkdir -p /data/glusterfs/gv1/brick1
echo "sda_crypt /dev/sda none luks,discard" >> /etc/crypttab
echo "/dev/mapper/gv1_brick1-brick1 /data/glusterfs/gv1/brick1 xfs _netdev,inode64,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
clevis luks bind -d /dev/sda tang '{"url":""}'
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb
Use a different passphrase than the definitive one
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb sdb_crypt
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/sdb_crypt bs=128M status=progress
cryptsetup luksClose sdb_crypt
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=20480 status=progress
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb
Use the definitive passphrase
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb sdb_crypt
vgcreate gv1_brick2 /dev/mapper/sdb_crypt
lvcreate --thinpool gv1_brick2/brick2_pool --size 3.60T --chunksize 256K --poolmetadatasize 16G --zero n
lvcreate --thin --name brick2 --virtualsize 3.60T gv1_brick2/brick2_pool
mkfs.xfs -i size=512 -n size=8192 /dev/mapper/gv1_brick2-brick2
mkdir -p /data/glusterfs/gv1/brick2
echo "sdb_crypt /dev/sdb none luks,discard" >> /etc/crypttab
echo "/dev/mapper/gv1_brick2-brick2 /data/glusterfs/gv1/brick2 xfs _netdev,inode64,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
clevis luks bind -d /dev/sdb tang '{"url":""}'
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc
Use a different passphrase than the definitive one
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc sdc_crypt
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/sdc_crypt bs=128M status=progress
cryptsetup luksClose sdc_crypt
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdc bs=512 count=20480 status=progress
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc
Use the definitive passphrase
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc sdc_crypt
vgcreate bmvg0 /dev/mapper/sdc_crypt
lvcreate -L 3.62T -n bmv0 bmvg0
mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/bmvg0-bmv0
mkdir -p /mnt/bmv0
echo "sdc_crypt /dev/sdc none luks,discard" >> /etc/crypttab
echo "/dev/mapper/bmvg0-bmv0 /mnt/bmv0 xfs _netdev,inode64,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
clevis luks bind -d /dev/sdc tang '{"url":""}'
Add all hosts in /etc/hosts file node1.local node1 node2.local node2 node3.local node3
apt-get install ntp
apt-get install glusterfs-server
systemctl enable glusterd
systemctl start glusterd
On one node
gluster peer probe node2.local
gluster peer probe node3.local
gluster volume create gv0 replica 3 node{1..3}.local:/data/glusterfs/gv0/brick1/brick
gluster volume create gv1 replica 3 node{1..3}.local:/data/glusterfs/gv1/brick1/brick node{1..3}.local:/data/glusterfs/gv1/brick2/brick
gluster volume start gv0
gluster volume start gv1
On each node
mkdir /mnt/gv0
mkdir /mnt/gv1
echo "node1.local:/gv0 /mnt/gv0 glusterfs defaults,noatime,_netdev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "node1.local:/gv1 /mnt/gv1 glusterfs defaults,noatime,_netdev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
cd /etc/ssl/
openssl genrsa -out glusterfs.key 2048
On node1
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key glusterfs.key -subj "/CN=node1.local" -out glusterfs.pem
On node2
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key glusterfs.key -subj "/CN=node2.local" -out glusterfs.pem
On node3
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key glusterfs.key -subj "/CN=node3.local" -out glusterfs.pem
On one node
mkdir -p /mnt/gv0/certificates
On node1
cp glusterfs.pem /mnt/gv0/certificates/node1.local.pem
On node2
cp glusterfs.pem /mnt/gv0/certificates/node2.local.pem
On node3
cp glusterfs.pem /mnt/gv0/certificates/node3.local.pem
On one node
cd /mnt/gv0/certificates
cat node1.local.pem node2.local.pem node3.local.pem >
On each node
cd /etc/ssl
cp /mnt/gv0/certificates/ ./
chmod 644 glusterfs.key
cd /usr/lib/ssl
ln -s /etc/ssl/glusterfs.pem glusterfs.pem
ln -s /etc/ssl/
ln -s /etc/ssl/glusterfs.key glusterfs.key
echo "option transport.socket.ssl-cert-depth 1" > /var/lib/glusterd/secure-access
On one node
gluster volume stop gv0
gluster volume stop gv1
volume set gv0 auth.ssl-allow node1.local,node2.local,node3.local
volume set gv1 auth.ssl-allow node1.local,node2.local,node3.local
volume set gv0 client.ssl on
gluster volume set gv1 client.ssl on
gluster volume set gv0 server.ssl on
gluster volume set gv1 server.ssl on
On each node
vi /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol
option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on
On one node
gluster volume set gv0 server.allow-insecure on
gluster volume set gv1 server.allow-insecure on
gluster volume set gv0 storage.owner-uid 64055
gluster volume set gv0 storage.owner-gid 64055
gluster volume set gv1 storage.owner-uid 64055
gluster volume set gv1 storage.owner-gid 64055
gluster volume set gv0 features.shard enable
gluster volume set gv1 features.shard enable
On each node
On one node
volume start gv0
volume start gv1
On each node
apt install openvswitch-switch
ovs-vsctl add-br br0
ovs-vsctl add-port br0 enp9s0f1
ovs-vsctl add-br wan0
ovs-vsctl add-port wan0 enp7s0
ovs-vsctl add-br wan1
ovs-vsctl add-port wan1 enp8s0
ovs-vsctl add-br lab1-2 br0 2
cd /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks
vi br0.xml
<forward mode='bridge'/>
<bridge name='br0'/>
<virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
virsh net-define br0.xml
virsh net-start br0
virsh net-autostart br0
vi lab1-2.xml
<forward mode='bridge'/>
<bridge name='lab1-2'/>
<virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
virsh net-define lab1-2.xml
virsh net-start lab1-2
virsh net-autostart lab1-2
vi wan0.xml
<forward mode='bridge'/>
<bridge name='wan0'/>
<virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
virsh net-define wan0.xml
virsh net-start wan0
virsh net-autostart wan0
VM Migration
as root from each node
ssh-copy-id admin@node1.local
ssh-copy-id admin@node2.local
ssh-copy-id admin@node3.local
Folder Structure
mkdir /mnt/bmv0/vm
mkdir /mnt/gv0/vm
mkdir /mnt/gv1/vm
mkdir /mnt/gv1/iso
mkdir /mnt/snapshots
cd /mnt
chown -R libvirt-qemu:libvirt-qemu gv0 gv1 bmv0
chmod 770 gv0 gv1 bmv0
chmod 770 /mnt/bmv0/vm /mnt/gv0/vm /mnt/gv1/vm /mnt/gv1/iso